About this Project

Project Goals

Building Capacity of Academic Librarians in Understanding Quantitative Data, Data Quality Problems, and Evaluating Data Quality

A National Forum

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services [RE-252357-OLS-22].

The project will engage data experts from diverse backgrounds and industries to share their perspectives on data quality issues and data evaluation. Based on the forum, the project will create an open-access ebook (edited collection), and infographic guides of a synthesized data evaluation strategy. 

This project will help raise academic librarians’ awareness of data quality problems, fill our knowledge gaps, and build our capacity and confidence in teaching data evaluation, critical thinking about data, and data literacy. As a long-term impact, the project will demonstrate the library’s impact on cultivating data-literate citizens, improving the quality and integrity of scholarly output, reducing the social and economic costs caused by data quality issues, and improving the quality of data-driven decision-making.

The detailed proposal is available at https://www.imls.gov/grants/awarded/re-252357-ols-22

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Cultivating the next generation of data-literate citizens

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